Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy CNY..

It had been 3 weeks since I am away from home...And I had miss the house cleaning job before CNY since I had to stay in hostel to concentrate on my mid sem 2 examinations...I remembered i miss it last year too since I am not in Malaysia..So I had been missing the cleaning job for CNY for 2 consecutive years..But i am sure i will not miss it next year since I will be having holiday by this time...A holiday after my A level..

Talking about A level..The result of AS and A level had came out just a few days ago...Congrats for those who had score in their exam..I wish I am able to do so too when it is my time to sit the paper...Another few months...I will be siting for the As level and another few months after that i will be sitting for my is starting to increase little by little without any realisation...hmm...will have to work hard and more harder to get good result..Don't want to be left behind..Wanna go to India although the senior's talk did scared me a bit at first...hehe...

Ok..back to the topic...I had been trying my best to make my apartment more nicer and at least had a bit of CNY mood during the exams and thus...Here are some picture about the small effort we had done to make it more CNY-ish..

Isn't it cute ? I bought it one day before I go back to Ktt after the holiday...We had pasted it on the door of our apartment..So it really seems to have CNY mood whenever we open the front door..

Hmm..Although it has nothing to do with the CNY decoration..But my housemate and roommate did try to decorate our apartment since our apartment seems dull before this..So they pasted the poster on the door and wall of the apartment while I had a nap in the room...Quite shocking at first to see the little changes after an hour nap...hehe..

these are the card we receive this year..althought it is not much but we are happy about it..3 of them are SN's card while the rest are the card for our apartment..It had been quite common in KTT to address the card to the whole apartment instead of is more cheaper that way..hehe..

The state of the table during examination..But it is not the main point..The main point is the mandarin orange on the table...Uncle beh is being very kind to us..he had distribute 2 mandarin orange each to all the Chinese in KTT..for your information..Uncle Beh is the uncle who is responsible for all the photocopy job and buying cake job..hehe...We were so happy while we get to know that...We had smsed uncle beh to thank him..

These are the pictures of the 4 beauty who had come to sing us a CNY song while giving the hand made CNY card to us...We join them too..They had really give us the CNY mood..They came a day before the exam start..everyone is quite tension...hmm..or is it only me..I had no idea..but after the song... I started to feel the CNY mood instead of the exam mood...
Hmm..I think that's all for now...Have nothing much special to tell unless you wanted to know what they said during the talk the senior gave...maybe I will try to talk about it in the next post if I feel like posting again before or during CNY...
See ya..
PS: Happy CNY to all the chinese and Happy holiday to those who are not celebrating CNY...
Enjoy and don't get bored due to the traffic jam...Be patient...See you soon..

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